Don’t Liquid Drinking Once You Awaken Active (It’s the Nastiest Object You Can Do to Physically!)

Hello everyone, how are you today? Well, I really think that we all know that we need to drink plenty of water every day, right? And, this is the main reason why many people follow this rule – so,

 they even have a glass of water on their nightstand, before they go to bed! Why – just in case, if they wake up in the middle of the night and feel thirsty.

So, if you are one of these people, and you leave a glass of water before you go to sleep – then you’ve probably noticed that this water has a weird taste when you drink it in the morning. The plain water doesn’t contain any sugars or proteins that microbes thrive on. So, we can’t blame the microbes for its strange taste.
Just think about it – water in a glass is more suitable to dust particles and air-borne bacteria. And, when water is exposed to air – it absorbs carbon dioxide, a small part of which is converted into carbonic acid. Well, let me say this in a simpler way – when water is exposed to air, it’s more prone to change its own chemical structure. The carbon acid converts into carbonate or bicarbonate when it releases one or two protons, which on the other hand changes the water pH. And this process changes its taste as well.
Note: don’t get us wrong – this doesn’t mean that the glass of water, that’s been on your nightstand for all night is harmful to drink. We are trying to say that this water has collected a lot of dust and air-borne bacteria. So, the next time you feel thirsty upon waking up, just go to the kitchen and get some fresh water. Or just put a bottle of water next to your bad. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

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